Note to Tauntek TOM16 users – I’ve been informed that a small modification is required to the V1.1 board for the cartridge to work fully (otherwise you may get clicks at the ends of sounds). Sequential Circuits made the first MIDI synthesizer, the Prophet-600, in 1982, and MIDI was formally announced in 1983. A microcontroller reads the button input cycles through the banks, also showing the current selection in binary form on 3 LEDs and after advancing a bank, tells the drum machine to re-read the header data so it knows what sounds there are and how long they are. The Sequential Circuits Tom drum machine is a vintage 4-voice digital drum machine, released in 1985.

Therefore, sequential circuits contain combinational circuits along with memory storage s t o r a g e. Previous output is nothing but the present state.

The output s s of sequential circuit depends not only on the combination of present inputs but also on the previous output s s. The multi-cartridge holds 8 banks, which are cycled through by pressing the small button in the corner. This sequential circuit contains a set of inputs and output s s. This simple flip-flop is basically a one-bit memory bistable device that has two inputs, one which will SET the device (meaning the output 1), and is labelled S and one which. As the C64 still enjoys a large homebrew scene, there are several vendors of aftermarket plastic cartridge shells, and it was possible to adapt one of these for this project. Expanding the Sequential TOM to hold 16 cartridges Note: The V1.0 TOM16 pcb did not support using the TOM cartridge slot at all. The SR flip-flop, also known as a SR Latch, can be considered as one of the most basic sequential logic circuit possible. I presume they used the same plastic shells for their TOM cartridges as they had used for the Model 242 MIDI Interface cartridge. I realised that it wouldn’t be much more expensive to roll several cartridges into a single multi-cartridge with a bank selection system, and also that the physical dimensions of the cartridge cutout on the TOM are almost exactly the same as on the Commodore 64, which makes sense as Sequential themselves had produced several cartridges for the C64. I was never really satisfied with the bare circuit board either. They were convenient but designed in somewhat of a hurry, each only holding a single 32kB ROM with 7 sounds. 'Tandem's Subsystem Programmatic Interface.' Tandem. The mini cartridges I did a few years ago for the TOM turned out to be an unexpected hit, given how few TOMs were made. Sequential Circuits Using Flip-Flops for Internal Memory.' IEEE Trans.